Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, Fibro Friends!

With my FMS, CFIDS, and my anxiety, I found my symptoms to be particularly noticeable (or, rather, impossible to ignore) the week after Christmas. With all of the preparations such as cleaning and shopping and cooking, I found myself completely devoid of energy by December 26th. I had to make up all of the energy I had expended, and then some. Add to all of that social obligations, and by the 31st, I was in no shape to be celebrating New Years Eve as much of the world does. I needed to listen to my body and rest.

I made the decision to stay in and celebrate my way. I put on my most comfortable clothes, dimmed the lights, opened a bottle of red wine, and enjoyed it with some of the leftover holiday nibblers I had in my pantry. By 9:00, I was asleep on my sofa. However, I did wake up at 11:59, in time to watch the ball drop! I went into my bedroom, crawled under my quilt and slept straight through to 10:00 am, with minimal interruption. My body, my mind and my soul needed that rest.

Today is the start of a new year, and hopefully many good, healthy and spiritually-fulfilling things to come. Of course, there will also be the challenges, perhaps even some new, that we as FMS/CFIDS patients face. I have not yet assembled a list of resolutions, although I rarely do. Instead, I try to set realistic goals for myself.

In the spirit of setting realistic goals, I have found that Adrian Dellwo at About.com has written an incredibly helpful guide on goal setting for patients with FMS and CFIDS, which I highly recommend.

Setting Goals for the New Year with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Once you have your goals in mind, and perhaps even conquered your brain fog and compiled a plan to get yourself started, take some time to inspire yourself, and revel in the fact that you are an incredible person who has made it through another year, living with the effects of Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Disorder.


 Even though we may have never met, writing to you now, I would like to say that you inspire me. My journey is just beginning, and knowing that there are brave people struggling every day with these illnesses, just like me, fills my heart with joy knowing that they are succeeding and that I can, and will, too. As a small token of appreciation, and to help you stay motivated for all of the wonderful things the new year will bring, both large and small, I would like to share with you some of the things which inspire me.

keep goingsuffering is optional

God's perfect time

Lea Salonga singing, "I Dreamed a Dream" from "Les Miserables" 25th anniversary concert. A lot of people view this song as very sad, but I personally find it to be very hopeful and uplifting.

Peter Gabriel with Kate Bush, "Don't Give Up", from the album "So".

Finally, the song "Beautiful", by Christina Aguilera. This song has helped me in so many ways since it was released. I always go back to it when I need an emotional boost.

I hope that these serve to inspire and motivate you as much as they do me.

I would like to know, what motivates and inspires you?

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